2015년 7월 9일 목요일

What is GRP tank?

What is GRP Water Tank?
GRP Sectional Panel tanks are constructed of panels made SMC(Sheet Molding Compound)
by hydraulic hot press under high temperature(150°C)and pressure conditions to maintain
the best endurance. Using stainless steel for the interior structure and plated steel for the
exterior, the panel exhibits excellent resistance erosion. Easy installation with on-site bolt
assembly and Tank shape and volume can be freely designed with no restrictions based
on site location,weather or climate.

Sectional GRP Tanks can be supplied or installed by our experienced engineers

■ Feature
Super Hygienic
※ Hygienic panel
It is possible to make the GRP panels in a variety of colours. In most cases, however,
 this type of tank is installed in the open, exposed to direct sunlight. If the GRP panels
 are translucent, the growth of algae and other micro-organisms would be accelerated.
 After extensive testing and research, SMC has adopted panel to minimize this problem,
 comp letely opaque and does not permit the passage of any light through it. A typical
 problem with steel tanks has always been the high thermal conductivity and expansion
of coefficient of steel. These characteristics can cause loosening of the panel connecting
 bolts in areas of wide temperature change

                                                       ↑ STS Water Tank

↑ inside state 3 years after initial installation
※ SMC Panel Type Tank And Other Tank Types
Various Capacity
Sizes adaptable to any needs
From small tanks to large, SMC panel can fit virtually any order
Tank sizes are selectable to fit each need and desire, SMC tanks can be installed
to handle from 0.25 (M³) up to NO LIMIT ! .
Various sized panels can make the below tanks that utilize the most horizontal &

 perpendicular space and also can be used as home use small tanks & Big ones.

GRP tanks can be constructed in a square, rectangle, L shape or even a donut to wrap around a buildings column.
■ Safety of Water Pressure
The water pressure created by filling the tank seals the joints preventing leakage In other type tanks, water pressure can open the joints breaking the seal, and allowing the stored water to leak out.

Hydrostatic Test
In accordance with SS245:1995 Specification for Glass Reinforced Polyester Sectional Water Tank.
* Test Pressure : ghp x 6 = 2.4bar
(9.81 x 4 x 1,000 x ) / 10.5 

 Excellent Insulation
The heat insulation panel with 3 layer structure improves heat insulation effect , protects water condensation on the outside of the tank and minimizes temperature variation of the stored water.

Water Tightness
The joints are sealed with a special sealing tape especially developed for SMC TANK with long experience and technology on SMC producrs. It maintains soft itself and adhesives even at low temperature. The combined flange thickness at the panel joints is sufficient to meet any stress imposed. This selfsealing feature eliminates the possibility of separation and hence prevents leakage of the tank.

Complete Drainage
The convex bottom panels with cancave draind panel system make sure complete and fast drainage. It's very useful to take a maintenance inside of water tank.

 If you have any question , please send email here

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